Atlantic Employee Screening
About Atlantic Employee Screening
Free integration, mobile-friendly forms, fastest results, an assigned customer care team, unmatched ease of use, and yes, results you can trust – only Atlantic Employee Screening is the perfect choice. Call us, 877-747-2104, we answer!
See how our quick, compliant reports with old-fashioned customer service will enhance your hiring processes!
By choosing an individual in the candidates tab within your dashboard, a background check is triggered when changing the Workflow Step. Once our processors swiftly complete the background check, the status will be updated in Jobvite. You’ll be able to view the report directly from within the dashboard, all while still having the functionality of our screening portal (which includes free pre-adverse and adverse action letters!). “A more convenient candidate experience, with information flowing freely between Jobvite and our online invitation, which means less data entry for the applicant.
Get the best of both worlds: the robustness of Jobvite with Atlantic’s super-fast turnaround times, utmost accuracy, and top-notch customer service.