Employer Branding

7 Ways Achieve Your D&I TA Goals in 2021

Talent Acquisition professionals know they need to create more diverse pipelines in 2021, yet many don’t even know where to start. Hung Lee, Cofounder and CEO of Workshape.io & Curator for Recruiting Brainfood recently joined us to discuss what it really means to focus on Diversity and Inclusion in 2021, and how to leverage AI…

Improving Diversity at Your Healthcare Org with an ATS

Every day, countless patients interact with healthcare professionals. They span every race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, and age. To ensure that each patient receives the best possible care, having a diverse and inclusive workforce has never been more important. Imagine discharging a patient who doesn’t fully understand their diagnosis or instructions for taking their medication. Having staff who speak the…

The Importance of Balance for Today’s Always-On Workforce

What do you get when you combine a career-driven, always-on society with a global pandemic? A whole new dynamic with competing priorities and unexpected distractions – all of which makes it harder than ever for employees to find balance in their lives. Recently, I sat down with Kelly Lavin, SVP of Talent at Jobvite, to…

Six Elements of a Great Job Application Process

Let’s face it: just about everything you do as a recruiting organization depends on your online job application. Every paid ad, every email, and every recruiting event drives attendees to complete an online application at some point. So you’ve likely spent massive amounts of time analyzing and designing the perfect job application process — one…

Reaching Your Talent Acquisition Team’s Full Potential with the EVOLVE TA

Modern recruiting is…take a deep breath….complex, multichannel, data driven, personalized, integrated, automated, intelligent, results based, and highly competitive. Whew! There are more adjectives we could add, but you get the point. Modern recruiting has a lot going on compared to the early days of cold calling or reactive, “post and pray” tactics to attract talent.…

5 Ways to Build a Better Culture on a Budget

Start a conversation about company culture and most people will point to examples like Google or Facebook—massive tech companies where employees have free food available around the clock, closets full of company swag, and off-the-wall perks like nap rooms. But company culture is every bit as important for small businesses, where everyone knows everyone else.…

How to Build a Pipeline of Patient-Centric Healthcare Talent

As patients, we want the best healthcare we can get. And we hope that the health systems we visit have the best healthcare talent working there. But the reality is that there is a huge shortage of healthcare talent. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Registered Nursing (RN) workforce is expected to grow to 3.4 million in 2026,…

How to Add Diversity to Your Recruiting Strategy

In addition to broadening your company’s demographic profile, diversity is key to bringing in new business and new employees. Nearly 70% of job seekers say that a company’s diversity portfolio influences their decision about whether or not to work there. A diverse workplace reaches a wider consumer base, which gives you more opportunities to sell…

Why Internal Mobility Is Inner Strength for a Company

If an employee feels appreciated and cared for by an employer, he or she is more likely to perform at peak potential. Happy employees, on average, are 12% more productive than unhappy ones. Companies with motivated employees also have 35% greater productivity than those that don’t. If your applicant tracking system is full of external…

The Top Five Employment Branding Mistakes to Avoid

Branding is at the forefront for most companies these days, especially with regard to consumers. However, branding for potential employees is often overlooked. The image your company presents to applicants can make a difference when it comes to securing the best talent available. Here are five common mistakes made by employers when it comes to…