Recruitment Process

3 Applicant Tracking System Hacks to Attract the Best Candidates

Attracting qualified candidates is a strategic game of appealing to the right people and holding their interest throughout the hiring process. This seems simple enough in theory, but there are some key factors in an applicant tracking system that carry significant weight and shouldn’t be ignored. If you’re experiencing some difficulty in attracting or retaining…

How To Get Hiring Managers Engaged in the Recruiting Process

When it comes to hiring, teamwork, efficiency, and engagement are essential for success. On average, it takes 42 days to fill a position. Of the reasons why people don’t ultimately accept a job offer, nearly 50% say it’s because they got another offer while waiting to hear back from an interviewer. For many companies, that…

The Lucky Checklist For a Successful Recruiter

In today’s war for talent, it can easily become a hectic environment for recruiters. It’s not like you can find a four-leaf clover and all your problems will be resolved. It can be great to have luck on your side, but sometimes you just need some help to guide you in the right direction. Here…

How Texting Can Improve Your Candidate Experience

Recruiters are moving away from outdated methods of attracting talent to embrace texting. Only 20 percent of potential candidates will read emails received from your company, but switching to text can increase read rates to 98 percent. How can this transform your recruiting solutions? Start a Conversation The average person checks his or her phone…

Recruiting System Metrics that Matter – Time to Fill vs. Time to Hire

The task of recruiting and hiring candidates for a position is getting tougher. It’s also very competitive as hiring managers must do what they can to lure top candidates. This leads to a constant analysis of what is working, what isn’t, and what can be done better. For that reason, various metrics exist to help…

How Your Recruitment Software Impacts your Recruiting

Scouting for and securing top talent is likely a priority for your company, but the rules of engagement have changed. For one thing, low unemployment has made HR a sellers’ market, with job candidates rather than employers in the driver’s seat. For another, finding a good fit for your organization requires agility, flexibility and perseverance.…

5 Compelling Reasons to Invest in an Applicant Tracking System

Is your business using the most efficient and effective methods to track potential hires? If you’re experiencing one or more of these five problems, then it’s time to upgrade to a cloud-based applicant tracking system. 1. Your Applicant Tracking Process Is Broken Complaints from HR and frustration from potential hires are two clear signs you…

How Mobile Recruiting Helps You Hire Faster

Since the average person spends nearly five hours a day on their mobile devices, it makes sense that certain activities like recruiting would be made available on mobile devices as well. Indeed, having a mobile hiring team app on your phone allows you to hire on the go, which allows you to hire faster and…

The Top 3 Secrets of Successful Recruiting

Recruiting is a competitive game. How can you find and attract the best people to your company before your competitors snatch them up? To be a successful recruiter, you have to stay one step ahead of other organizations. Like everything else, recruiting is changing in the 21st century. New technology and improved recruiting techniques can…

Jobvite & GDPR: Complete, Compliant Recruiting

You’ve probably noticed a recent flurry of training, webinars, and communications from Jobvite focusing on GDPR–or the General Data Protection Regulation. The GDPR is a regulation within European law covering data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union. It also addresses the export of personal data outside the Europe Union. And if…