
Continuous Candidate Engagement: The Key to Successful Recruiting

If your HR department is using an outdated recruitment strategy, you could be losing top talent to the competition. Today’s recruiting process is all about candidate engagement. Your company needs a new strategy to ensure that communication is continuous and gives applicants a positive impression of what it’s like to work for you. What Makes…

Transform Your Recruiting Process with Continuous Engagement

Candidate engagement includes all interactions with candidates throughout the hiring process. Today’s candidates are shopping around for jobs and influencing how companies communicate. When you’re looking to attract top talent, you need to go beyond standard procedures and embrace continuous engagement. A New Paradigm for Recruiting During a routine hiring process, communication is often sporadic.…

The New Model for Modern Recruiting: Continuous Candidate Engagement

Talent is the lifeblood of your company, but there’s not enough of it. Chances are you’re already feeling the impact of a declining workforce, not to mention mounting pressure to communicate in new ways that will appeal to Millennial and Gen Z candidates. And it’s not getting any easier. According to the 2017 Recruiter Nation…

What is the Difference Between Candidate Experience and Candidate Engagement?

Looking back on 2017, the big buzzword in recruiting was ‘candidate experience’—and rightly so. In this hyper-competitive market for skilled talent, that’s the right conversation to be having. The days of ‘post and pray’ are long gone and candidates are in control. Forward-thinking talent acquisition executives and recruiting pros need to think more broadly and…

What to Know About Submitting Resumes to Applicant Tracking Systems

Applicant tracking systems are here to stay: some surveys put the number of companies using them at 75% or higher. Applicant tracking systems provide an immense help in all aspects of talent acquisition and recruiting. The first step, where job applicants will encounter them, is in the entry-level task of reading resumes. While these systems…