2024 Employ Job Seeker Nation Report: Keeping Pace with the Perceptions of Modern Workers

Your guide to out-of-the-box talent search optimization

Understanding job seeker mindset and motivations is critical to connecting with candidates and staying competitive in a tight labor market.

The 2024 Employ Job Seeker Nation Report provides a data-driven look into: 

  • The complexity of job seeker realities
  • Preferences for workplace flexibility
  • Experiences during the job search process
  • Recruiter-candidate interactions

Access these critical insights and learn how to optimize your recruiting function, informed by the perceptions of job seekers today.

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How to Connect with Job Seekers in a Tight Labor Market

Executive Summary

The robust hiring environment continues to astonish experts and employers alike. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 829,000 jobs were added in Q1 2024, proving that the U.S. labor market continues to defy expectations.

But where do job seekers fit into this? How satisfied are they in their current roles? What are their motivations when it comes to work and how do they go about searching for new opportunities?

Perhaps more important, how can companies provide positive experiences to candidates, build a strong pipeline of talent, and have a reputation as an employer of choice to attract candidates in the market?

To find out the answers to these questions and more, Employ conducted its annual study of job seekers with Zogby Analytics, surveying more than 1,500 U.S. workers in April 2024.

The results of this study should empower employers to reflect on and examine hiring roadblocks that your company faces. Keeping candidates and job seekers central to your talent acquisition and recruiting strategies can help you overcome short-term challenges and embrace long-term success in your business.

Featured Insights in the Job Seeker Nation Report

When it comes to levels of job satisfaction, U.S. workers are overwhelmingly satisfied in their roles. According to the Employ survey data, 79% are either very satisfied or somewhat satisfied, compared to just 10% of job seekers who are dissatisfied. 

Despite these high satisfaction levels, 86% of workers are at least somewhat open to other job opportunities, including 46% who indicate they are very open. 

A significant percentage of U.S. workers are actively looking for a new job right now, with 4 in 10 workers indicating they are seeking new employment. The good news for employers is that a majority of job seekers (58%) have looked for a new position within their current company. 

Job Seeker Motivations

Beyond compensation, active job seekers are primarily motivated by career advancement (52%) and greater work flexibility or remote work opportunities (49%). 

Company culture (31%) and better company leadership (31%) also rank high in importance to candidates. Organizations must take an active role in managing their employer brand and ensuring they have strong leaders who can effectively lead the workforce. 

79% of U.S. workers are satisfied with their current job, but 86% are open to other job opportunities.

50% of active job seekers believe that finding a job in the current labor market is easy, and 56% believe that the current job market favors candidates.

66% of workers indicate remote work is at least somewhat important in accepting a job.

“One in three workers would feel comfortable quitting their current job without having another role lined up. This data reveals that candidates are feeling confident in the current labor market.

Companies would be wise to respond to these perceptions by focusing on areas within talent acquisition that can speed the hiring process, better nurture candidates, and reinforce worker priorities.”

Key Takeaways from the
Job Seeker Nation Report

Career advancement and flexibility are top priorities to active and passive candidates

Applicants are putting a significant amount of work into and investing in AI tools to support their job search process

Job seekers want a streamlined hiring experience with consistent communication and follow-up

A majority of workers believe the job market favors candidates and it will take them just a few months to land a new job

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