Streamline Retail & Wholesale Talent Acquisition at Scale

Companies Love Jobvite

Rely on a Trusted Partner That Understands Retail & Wholesale

Deliver results across the entire talent acquisition lifecycle from a partner with expertise in retail hiring. Leverage the Jobvite Talent Acquisition Suite that scales as your hiring needs and complexities change.

Make Your Employer Brand & Candidate Experience Stand Out

Retail hiring requires that employers stand out to candidates. Use Jobvite’s Suite to show off your culture, engage with candidates at scale, and deliver exceptional candidate experiences, especially during the busiest hiring seasons.

Remove Recruiting Roadblocks & Streamline Hiring at Scale

Pinpoint where roadblocks exist in hiring retail workers. Streamline recruiting, onboarding, and retention efforts by leveraging automation and AI to eliminate bottlenecks and increase recruiter capacity.

Reach Qualified Retail Workers Fast

Enhanced Candidate Matching

Quickly screen and rank retail candidates so you can accurately match them to jobs that fit their skills, interests, and experience. Leverage AI and automation to sift through your pipeline and uncover the best candidates for open roles.

Nurture Talent & Build Your Talent Pool

Nurture passive candidates and send targeted recruitment campaigns to job seekers with Jobvite’s Recruitment Marketing capabilities. Stay in touch with candidates and alert them to new openings in your retail organization.

Keep Connected with Candidates

Communicate with candidates where they are using Jobvite’s Intelligent Messaging. Deliver a modern, mobile-first experience that connects with candidates on-the-go. Leverage candidate texting and chatbots to answer questions 24/7.

Streamline New Hire Onboarding

Get retail new hires onboard and up-to-speed faster with a streamlined onboarding experience. Train and support retail workers to ensure they can contribute and are engaged beginning on day one.

Insights & Resources

Get more insights from our featured resources. Whether you are just getting started or looking to move forward, we want to support your journey.